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TSC Lidov Lecture-Recital_ Paper & Keys.jpg

Toronto Semiotic Circle Lecture Series

TSC Lidov Lecture-Recital: Paper & Keys

Professor David Lidov

York University, Emeritus

In this dynamic lecture-recital, Professor David Lidov will incorporate a performance of J.S. Bach’s Second Partita and an original composition of his own entitled Voice Mail with semiotical speculations about what music notation has done to music making and thinking.

Prof. Lidov will draw on the works of Walter Ong, whose Orality and Literacy recounts radical changes in thinking and creating which unfold over centuries as societies acquire writing and printing. Lidov extends this theoretical framework to the evolution of music, highlighting Bach’s use of still-evolving musical technology (printing, engraving) and tracing further developments in music notation throughout the 20th century. Through Lidov’s suite, we will sample a modernist irruption of visual logic in musical composition, “hearing geometry” through the Fano Geometry upon which the piece was composed.


Proceeds of this concert go to ArrayMusic. The venue, ArraySpace, brings together music professionals, non-professional music enthusiasts, students, and children, working to amplify and cross-modulate Toronto’s hum.

This lecture was hosted in partnership with the Department of Philosophy at Ryerson University and organized by the Meaning Lab in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures.

A Bit About Me

Date & Time


Thu, 16 February 2017

8:00 PM – 11:00 PM EST


Array Space

155 Walnut Ave.

Toronto, ON M6J 3W3

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